PSU & High School Shorts

Penn State University Students & High School Students Shorts

Directors: Ellie Fetting; Jack Meyer; Morgan Seiff; Carson Spence; Bryan Stanley; Xavier Hons, Suraj Kumar, Tyler Gully; and Christopher Putlock

Runtime: 40 Mins

Year: 2020

Sunday, November 15, 2020. 1:00pm


About The Films


Director: Morgan Seiff

Penn State University, Donald P. Bellisario College of Communications

12 Mins

A film student grapples with her heritage while making a documentary in Poland.

The Whitewashing of the American Cinema 

Director: Carson Spence

Penn State University, Donald P. Bellisario College of Communications

5 Mins

An experimental, found footage film that explores the issue of whitewashing in American cinema.


Director: Ellie Fetting

Penn State University, Donald P. Bellisario College of Communications

4 Mins

A young woman struggles with a deep hunger as the pandemic hits.

From Cells to Sales 

Director: Bryan Stanley

Penn State University, Donald P. Bellisario College of Communications

7 Mins

A short documentary which explores the value of restorative justice as demonstrated by the Centre County business “CentrePeace”

This Is What You Are 

Director: Jack Meyer

Penn State University, Donald P. Bellisario College of Communications

4 Mins

A hostile but entrancing light attracts a mysterious figure to enter an alien world.


Directors: Xavier Hons, Suraj Kumar, Tyler Gully

State College Area High School

5 Mins

A shop is near closing, but by exception, the owner lets a stray customer inside—a mysterious man with a fierce temper. Things go south as the man becomes questioned by the two employees.

On The Wagon 

Director: Christopher Putlock

Father Gabriel Richard High School, Ann Arbor Michigan

3 Mins

A man comes to grips with reality late one night.