Check out our At-A-Glance schedule for the weekend with this link and downloadable pdf here
The Centre Film Festival Free Shuttle Service will run from the HUB at Penn State to the Rowland throughout the weekend, thanks to Long Motor Buses. Check out the schedule here.
Episode 7: Faith from Philipsburg
Faith Maguire and high school volunteers spend countless hours crafting a beautiful mural on Front Street in Philipsburg. Faith is committed to beautifying the downtown area and encouraging engagement of local businesses and the community through the Philipsburg Revitalization Corporation.
Episode 5: Poppy’s: Jen Pays Tribute
Welcome to Poppy’s, a locally owned Philipsburg restaurant which takes pride in their town’s history and is hosting County Fair at the Rowland Theatre, on November 9, at 8pm at the Centre Film Festival. Jen pays tribute to Rags McCall, a long-time friend and Philispburg resident.
Episode 4: Hobo King: Luther Gette
Discover Luther, a local former hobo who takes us on a walk through the historical town of Philipsburg while he reminisces about his youth jumping trains and spending time at beloved landmarks, including the Rowland Theatre.
Episode 3: Kristin and William DeBoer
Local business Brown Dog Catering will donate food and open their doors throughout the weekend of the film festival. Their passion for the arts and for Philipsburg is inspiring. “The film festival is good for Philipsburg… and we think everyone has a voice and every voice is important… and when do you do something like this… it’s important for everybody”
Episode 2: Taylor The Teacher.
In this episode of Caught in the Act we meet Taylor Jackson. Taylor grew up in Philipsburg, PA, with a love for the arts, and uses her passion as motivation to help the next generation appreciate them as well. She is studying Education at Penn State University.